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Love One Another

Posted by Thomas Dewalt on

Love One Another

The Love One Another collection was created to inspire others to not give into hate but to love one another. The love logo was inspired by Jennifer Hudson's Love keychain from the movie Sex and The City which she used to remind herself to have faith in love. Love can mean a multiple of things. There are 7 States of Love: Storge: Natural affection, the love you share with your family. Philia: The love that you have for friends. Eros: Sexual and erotic desire kind of love. Agape: Unconditional love, or divine love. Ludus: Playful love, like childish love or...

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How small businesses can create a stronger, lasting, relationship with their customers.

Posted by Thomas Dewalt on

How small businesses can create a stronger, lasting, relationship with their customers.

"You want to shop and live near places that actually mean things to people; places that have a real effect on communities.  You can feel when someone really cares about the neighborhood they're running a business in." - Sandeep Salter (co-founder - Picture Room and Goods for the Study) Create a collection for your customers to show their love for your business. Do you frequent a certain local coffee shop? How about a brewery because of their selection of craft beers and atmosphere? How about a local gym because you like the genuine small classes compared to a larger national...

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Entrepreneur Revolution

Posted by Thomas Dewalt on

Entrepreneur Revolution

Helping fellow entrepreneurs follow their passions and make a difference in the world. This is a fundraiser to raise money for micro loans to help entrepreneurs around the world through the Kiva organization. What does Entrepreneur Revolution mean? Entrepreneur (def.): a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risk in order to do so. Revolution (def.):  a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it Why is it important to support Entrepreneur's around the world? Because you can change someone's life by...

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Custom T-Shirt Design for Paparazzi Independent Consultant

Posted by Thomas Dewalt on

Custom T-Shirt Design for Paparazzi Independent Consultant

Ways to make you stand out as an independent seller. It seems these days everyone and their mother is an independent seller for jewelry companies, LuLaRoe, makeup and more.  Trust me we aren't saying that is a bad thing.  But when you are up against an extremely saturated market, possibly even competing against your neighbor or best friend, how do you set your self apart from everyone else? Rhonda's Story: Rhonda Blanchard came to us wanting to set herself apart as a Paparazzi Independent Consultant.   Like most independent sellers whether it be jewelry or cute leggings, creating a following is...

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